Buttocks Augmentation: Implants vs. Fat Transfers


9/3/20242 min read

Having a flat rear end isn’t something that most people would consider attractive. Which is unfortunate because very few people are born with a naturally beautiful buttocks. Fortunately, there are a few options available to change that. There are two procedures, particularly common for those looking to augment their buttocks. Implants and a fat transfer, or more commonly referred to as a Brazilian butt lift.


Implants are a fairly common option for people looking to enhance their buttocks. Generally, implants are used on people who either don’t want to have a fat transfer, or don’t have enough fat to do so. Implants can be a little more costly and have potential to be rejected by the body since they are not organic material.

  • Advantages: Implants are often used on people who don’t have enough fat of their own to increase buttocks size and shape.

  • Procedure: During an implant procedure, the surgeon will make an incision overlaying the tail bone between both cheeks. The gluteus maximus muscle is then lifted to create a pocket for the implants. The implants are then inserted and positioned correctly. Once the implants have been properly positioned, the surgeon can then sew up the incision which leaves practically an invisible scar.

  • Recovery: Generally, patients can return to normal life after three to four weeks. A full recovery can take up to six full weeks. Reason being is that artificial implants take getting used to and your body needs time to adjust to them. After implant surgery, the patient might have to wear a special compression garment. This is because the location of the original incision is a very delicate area that takes longer to heal than most areas.

Fat Transfer (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Most surgeons prefer using a fat transfer procedure to augment one’s buttocks. The fat transfer allows for a two-in-one procedure. Allowing the patient to lose fat from undesirable areas, such as the thighs, hips, abdomen, and love handles. There is also no chance for an allergic reaction as the injected material originates from the patient’s own body.

Advantages: A fat transfer allows for the patient to reach the exact size they want. Whereas implants come in standard unchangeable sizes. Patients generally prefer the idea of using their own fat since it is natural as opposed to the synthetic silicone implants. And as mentioned before, you will lose fat from undesirable areas via liposuction! Doesn’t get much better than that.

Procedure: During a fat transfer the patient is generally put under general anesthesia. The fat is then removed and purified. The purification generally consists of cleaning off any blood and debris. Once the fat has been cleaned, it is injected into the upper buttocks through different layers of skin and fat to allow for maximum absorption.

Recovery: since no major incisions are made, and natural body fat is used; recovery from a fat transfer procedure is notably shorter than an implant procedure. You can return to normal activity after just two weeks, and more strenuous at three weeks. A full recovery can be made in as little as one month.

Cost and Other Considerations

Strangely enough, both procedures fall into roughly the same price range. The minimum charge is usually around $4,500.00 and can reach all the way up to $11,000.00. When looking for a surgeon be sure to consider a surgeon’s experience over their charge. Also, the longer you let your buttocks rest the better your results will be. The rest allows for fat grafts to settle and integrate, while allowing implants to get positioned comfortably and naturally.