Breast Augmentation over the Years
9/3/20242 min read
Breast augmentation has come a long way since when the first procedure was performed in 1895. Early attempts to increase breast size were hardly successful. Scarring was inevitable, injections of paraffin wax or liquid silicone caused death of cell tissue, severe and consistent swelling, as well as inflammation. Chronic wounds from poorly sanitized equipment and operating area created wounds that were anything but invisible and often times had drainage issues. Attempts to implant natural fats were sometimes simply absorbed into the body. Then there were glass balls, and even sponges used to enhance volume. These types of implants also had negative effects.
On the upswing.
In 1962 breast implants finally started heading in the right direction. With the invention of silicone implants and advances in general medical technology these types of implants became much safer, but still far from perfect.
The next generation of implants were less thick than the first, and the gel was not as viscous. This decreased the risk of capsular contracture dramatically. Because the shells were not as thick, the rupture rate of implants also increased significantly, which most people, for obvious reasons, still didn’t admire.
Finally, in 1988, with the help of advances in every applicable industry, a happy medium was discovered. A type of silicone shell that had an extremely viscous gel and a sturdy shell. Different types of these kind of implants are still used to this day.
Implants today.
Saline implants:
saline implants are a great option for anyone considering getting implants. These implants are filled with sterile salt water. Saline implants are extremely safe if a rupture should occur. The natural salt water is absorbed and expelled naturally by the body while the casing simply collapses and can be easily removed by your surgeon. Saline implants also have a valve which allows for the easy increase or decrease in size to find the exact size the patient is looking for.
Silicone implants:
Silicone implants offer the most natural look and feel of the breasts. There are many available sizes varying from 150 cc (cubic centimeters) all the way up to 400cc. And the size increments are generally in jumps of 25 cc’s. Silicone implants correct wrinkling much better than saline implants, and tend to hold their shape to prevent causing any wrinkling as well. When the current generation of silicone implants was first introduced the casing was more porous and the gel was far more runny. Leaky implants caused for a loss of shape within ten years of the implant. Now the gel is much thicker and the casing is much stronger, so that even if the casing does rupture the gel will still hold it’s shape.
Other implants:
over 80% of implants are done with either silicone or saline style implants. However, there are a few less common alternatives that can be more customizable for your specific needs.
Textured implants have been used more commonly in the past ten years. They offer an excellent look with minimal chance of capsulation. Most surgeons have abandoned these implants in the past few years for good reason.
High-profile implants increase the size of the upper pole of the breast without increasing the lower pole. This is a great alternative for a woman with a narrow chest who wants to have C or D cup breasts.
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