Alternatives to Liposuction
9/3/20242 min read
While liposuction is a great option for anyone looking to get rid of those pesky fatty tissues that seem so stubborn, the procedure can be a little frightening for some people. Liposuction is, afterall, an invasive surgical procedure. There really is no way around it, other than to consider other options that serve the same ends as liposuction: getting rid of that fat. For some people, some fat just never seems to go away no matter what diets they try or what exercise routines they take on, and this is when most people start thinking about liposuction and other alternative cosmetic procedures. Thankfully, for those who do not wish to undergo liposuction, there is a whole world of options to choose from. The following are just a few of the cosmetic procedure alternatives available. It is recommended that you speak with a doctor about which procedure may be the right choice for you, depending on your needs and wants as far as results go.
Liposonix Ultrasound:
This is a Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved, non-invasive and non-surgical alternative to the traditional liposuction cosmetic procedure. Essentially, this procedure works by focusing ultrasound waves over the areas the patient wishes to reduce fatty tissues in their body. The fat cells are essentially destabilized due to the focused ultrasound waves and reabsorbed into the body. The fat is then metabolized in the liver and are gone. Only one treatment is needed for a Liposonix Ultrasound, and the results take a few weeks to become noticeable. Typically, a person will lose about a pants or dress size as a result of the treatment.
This alternative to liposuction is also non-invasive and non-surgical. A suction device is placed on specific parts of the body in order to get rid of the fat cells present in that area. The device uses cooling in order to isolate the fat cells and crystallize them with just above freezing temperatures. This process allows the fat cells to be digested by the body and thus gets rid of them. Results are visible between two and four weeks after the first procedure. Typically, at least a couple of treatments are needed in order to reduce the fat in the treated area of the body by up to 25-percent.
Dermal Fillers:
Sometimes fat tissues, and even the loss of fat tissue due to liposuction or other treatments, can leave parts of the body looking abnormal. With the loss of volume comes a diminishment of facial features, which is why dermal fillers- such as facial fillers- are an option in combination with liposuction, or liposuction alternative, treatments. Facial fillers are useful for making lips look plump and voluminous, making facial contours less shallow, soften facial creases and wrinkles and fix scars that are concave or depressed into the surface of the skin. Facial fillers are a popular alternative to facelifts and other similar cosmetic surgical procedures. There are many alternatives available that serve the same purpose as dermal fillers, and those may be a better option based on what the patient desires the end result of the cosmetic procedure to be.
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